Tuesday 16th November.

Fu-Wing Kong becomes a father!

Fu, one of our graduate students just starting his third year in Chemistry at McMaster, was a busy man during the weekend of 12th-15th November.

On Friday 12th he wrote a quantum graduate module exam: On Saturday 13th he flew to Vancouver to join his wife Maggie: On Sunday 14th Maggie presented him with a healthy baby boy - Gwai Wah; On Monday 15th Fu flew back to Hamilton, and on the afternoon of 16th November he was back to his TA duties in the 2PA3 laboratory.

So we held a birthday cake and pop party to welcome Gwai Wah as a 15 minute break during the lab. Gwai Wah was welcomed with a One-Gun (hydrogen-oxygen balloon) salute.

Fu receives his new "lab manual": "How to survive babies first year"

Great cake from 'Timmies'

Party Group A

Party Group B

Fu with 2PA3 students, TAs and friends 'sans moi'

Fu with 2PA3 students, TAs and friends 'avec moi'

And so.....

Back to the 2PA3 laboratory:

2PA3 Experiment 5 [MA]

Ethyl acetate - why didn't he choose ethyl alcohol?

2PA3 Experiment 6 [FWK]

Cyclohexane & Acetone - some cocktail!

For my next trick (experiment?)

2PA3 Experiment 5 [LE]

This lab room was at 12C and the students were determining a phase diagram wearing parkas and , in one case, gloves!!

Damn you Mike Harris!

McMaster Random Time.

Thursday 18th November

Future students visit Ol' MacDonalds

Emma [5 1/2]

Eleanor [3 3/4]


Bowling Night

University Lanes, Dundas





Happy Group


Nadine has been bowling really hard!


Great form - but whose?

A great evening was had by all. Bill Riddoch bowled a sequence of five strikes. He was just a little worried when YT managed four in a row!

Thanks Nadine & Nada.