CHEM1AA3 How Atoms Interact with Each Other to Form Molecules, How Molecules Interact with Each Other

4 Subjects in Term 2

  1. Inter Molecular Forces Chap 13
  2. Equilibria - Solution Chap 14,17,18
  3. Kinetics - Rates Chap 15
  4. Organic Chemistry Notes to Purchase from McMaster

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Course notes: (I HOPE)

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Tutorials and labs start next week.

Purpose of the course

Try to explain how world around us operates from a chemist's point of view!!!!

Intermolecular Forces

We have already studied Intraatomic forces (i.e. intramolecular forces)



Ionic Li-Cl 

Metallic Mn-Mn-Mn etc.

These bonds represent very strong forces 100 - 450 kJ/mol

By contrast, intermolecular forces are weak. Always < 100 kJ/mol. Typically 1-25 kJ/mol.

Thus, as one heats up a molecule, one overcomes weaker intermolecular forces first, only at high T, are strong intramolecular forces broken.

Table: Comparison of the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales.

States of Matter Gas Liquid Solid (Polymer)

Gas - no boundary

- molecules far apart

-essentially no intermolecular forces even in Li+Cl- vapour (there are strong ion-ion intramolecular forces, but weak LiCl - LiCl intermolecular forces)

fast molecular movement

rotate (ii) translate (iii) vibrate

Liquids - defined boundary

-BUT - no defined shape

- molecules close together

-rapid molecular movement

(i) rotate (ii) translate (iii) vibrate

- weak intermolecular forces

Solids - defined boundary & shape

- molecules/atoms close together

- ordered

(i) sometime rotate (ii) vibrate

- NO translation

- forces depend on crystal type

Ionic solid Very strong intermolecular forces

(may actually be considered intramolecular forces)

Molecular solid Very weak intermolecular forces

Forces between Substances

4 types - Electrostatic in Origin

a) ion - ion

b) dipole - dipole

c) induced dipole - induced dipole

(London forces)

d) H bonding

a) Ion- Ion

very strong, follow Coulomb's Law

F q2/r2 (charge / distance)

Ionic Solids A 3 D network of positive (+) and negative (-) charges

close together high mp

Ionic Liquids conduct electricity close together, very high bp

Ionic Gases separation of ion pairs, NaCl molecules are far apart from each other

Dipole - Dipole

Intermolecular forces between molecules with a permanent dipole

Polar Molecules

= (d+) (d-) / r

In a liquid

c) Induced Dipole - Induced Dipole (London) Dispersion Forces

Molecules (atoms) no permanent dipole. Attraction is between fluctuating (induced) dipoles

i) (otherwise gases wouldn't ever condense)

ii) consider attraction of electrons of 1 atom to nucleus of another. These forces are additive: more points of contact, more attraction

CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3   CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH3        CH3C(CH3)2CH3

b.p. 36 oC                           b.p. 28 oC                           b.p. 9o C

CH4 mp - 183oC               C20H42 80 oC             C100H202 135 oC

If molecules far apart, little interaction

if molecules close , attraction > repulsion

if molecules too close, repulsion >> attraction

Factors affecting the magnitude of induced dipole interactions


As ¯ Periodic table size ­ polarizability ­


Outer electrons shielded from nucleus more affected by external stimuli

i.e., big, soft blobby I- is much more polarizable than hard small F-

d) H- Bonding

- interaction OH, HF, NH with a lone pair O, N, F

- because H so small can approach close to atoms, so small migration easy

- stronger than London or Dipole forces (see Fig. 13.9 p. 605)

Magnitude of Forces London ~1 - 5 kJ/mol

Dipole ~1 - 10 kJ/mol

H-bond ~5 - 25 kJ/mol

NB: Polymers have glass transition

Demo: Latex rubber

Liquid N2 - Bunsen Burner

NaCl + Bunsen burner


CO2 - Balloon

Freezing / Melting - Break up intermolecular forces.

Cost is proportional to the Strength of the intermolecular force
Hfus kJ/mol m.p. C Hv kJ/mol b.p. C
H2 6.12 -259 
CH4 6.94 -183  10.4 164 
Hg 2.3 -40 
Ccl4 2.51 -23  30 76.7
EtOH 5.01 -115 
H2O 6.01 40.7 100
NaCl 27.2 801 
NB: These effects aren't linear with molecular weight - why not? - other forces!

Evaporation / Condensation

Molar enthalpy of vaporization , Hv

Escape velocity higher, vaporization Hv lower

Molecules in liquids have energy distribution

Demo: pail test tubes and corks

Rubber duck

Tennis ball

What happens with a liquid in:

  1. a closed container
  2. at a given T
  3. over a period of time water vapour exerts a pressure
A portion of the water evaporates

= as Temperature increases, so does the vapour pressure

The effect of elevation on the boiling point of water

Solids do not have large vapour pressure

CO2(s) H2O @ 0 oC

very large Pv = 4.6 mm

(dry ice unusual) i.e. Frozen underwear sublimes

Some examples

1. bp of EtOH at 600 mm Hg from graph? (answer, look at graph p. 616, Pv ~ 74 oC)

2. If 1L H2O in 10L sealed flask at 60 C (Pv from graph of @ 60o = 180 mm Hg). How much H2O will evaporate?

PV = nRT

180 mmHg x 9L = n R 60 oC

(180mm Hg) / (760 mm Hg / atm) x 9L = n 0.082 L atm x 333 K / K mol

n = 0.078 moles of water will fill space in the 10 L vessel (1L of which is air). You can figure out how many grams that is.


Demo CO2 Balloon

Liq. N2

Molecular Arrangement in Solids

Metallic solid

Network solid (covalent network crystal)


Molecular solid

ABA = Molecule

e.g. CO2 A=O, B=C

Combination - Graphite

Diamond Eq 2 D network solid

In D molecular solid


Unit cells - smallest repeating unit of a crystalline solid

3 common types

i) atoms at vertices, Simple Cubic

=8 apices x 1/8 atom

= 1 atom/unit cell

74% space consumed

ii) Body - centered cubic

(Fe, Na, Ba)

- 1 atom each apex

+ 1 in centre

= 1 atom centre

+ 8 x 1/8 (= 1)

Total 2 atoms /unit cells

68% space consumed

iii) Face centered Cubic

(Cu, Al, Ca, Ne, K)

1 atom each apex (o) and 1 atom at each face (o)

6 faces x ½ atom ( = 3 atoms)

+ 8 x ½ ( = 1 atom)

= 4 atoms/unit cell

Stuff you can determine

i) by X-ray - cell type and size

eg. Bragg Reflection

- can back calculate A. Using cell dimension, can calculate metal density

e.g. Density of Vanadium

- crystal body-centred cubic

- edge length 305 pm

- density = g/cm3

- volume of unit cell = Edge3 = 305 pm3

Mass (body centered cubic 2 atoms)

Density = Mass / volume

Mass = 2 atoms (50.94 g / mol) x 1 / 6.02 x 1023 atoms/mol = 1.692 x 10-22 g

Volume = (305 pm (1 cm / 1010 pm))3

Density = 5.96 g / cm3

If you know density and unit cell can calculate Avagadro's number (see tutorial)

What about non-crystalline materials, amorphous materials don't have a narrow melting point

e.g. glass