The 2012 I-APS Award Winners

We congratulate the winners of the 2012 I-APS awards.

2012 I-APS Award in Photochemistry

Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay
University of California, Los Angeles

~ for his pioneering research on excited state processes and photochemistry in the solid state 


2012 I-APS Young Investigator Award

Ken L. Knappenberger, Jr.
Florida State University

~ for his work on energy and electron transfer processes in nanoscale systems.


2013 George S. Hammond Award

Nicholas J. Turro
Columbia University

~ in recognition of the breadth and depth of Prof. Turro's many crucial contributions to the photochemical sciences and his singular impact on worldwide dissemination of photochemical knowledge through his many collaborations and his pioneering textbooks.


I-APS Fellowship

Paul Kropp
University of North Carolina

~ for his outstanding research contributions in the areas of radical ion chemistry and photoprotonation and for the mentoring of future scientists in the field.


2012 G. Cilento Award

Natalia Lorena Pacioni
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Argentina

“Photophysics and Photochemistry to Differentiate between Metal Nanoparticles in Mixtures: an Analytical Strategy”


2012 Gerhard Closs Student Award

Mintu Porel
University of Miami

Supervisor: V. Ramamurthy

"Water Soluble Organic Hosts as Modulators of the Photophysical Processes of Organic Guests"

