Some guidelines for running gaussian jobs for Atoms in Molecules analysis Sample *.com file 1. # MP2(full)/6-311++G** 6d 10f Opt=VeryTight output=wfn density=current (Other options) 2 H2 opt 6-311++g(2d,2p) 3 0,1 H H 1, 1.0 4 file.wfn Reasons for each command 1. Route Section: MP2 Level of theory. e.g. RHF, MP2, QCISD, etc. If using post-HF methods be sure to include "density=current" (see below). Also you should use the FULL option for variational post-HF methods as the default is "frozen core. 6-311++G** 6d 10f This can be any basis set, but all AIMpac programs analyze the wavefunction file assuming that the basis set contains 6d and 10f functions (rather than the standard 5 and 7). You must therefore always specify these basis sets. Output=wfn Asks the program to write a file, specifying the wavefunction, suitable for analysis by AIMPAC programs. Density=current is vital when running correlated jobs. Otherwise the SCF (HF) density is used for popultion analysis, and more importantly, in the wavefunction file. If all the orbital populations in your wavefunction file are 2.00 you can be sure you have a Hartree-Fock wfn. If all the orbitals have energy=0.0 you have a natural orbital description. For HF densities this is fine, but the individual MOs are meaningless - try again without density=current, which fixed the problem for me. 2. Title. This information is transferred to the wfn file and then to many of the AIMPAC output files. 3. Molecular specification 4. This line tells the program what to name the wavefunction file. Beware: The gaussian version we have sometimes doesn't seem to listen and creates files with names like ^D. You can view these and rename them properly. The name actually given by guassian is listed near the end of the log file. Summary of important points Basis: 6d, 10f Correlated methods: density=current, Full (except DFT).