McMaster University - Chem2OB3 1999/2000

Laboratory Manual


General Information
Laboratory Safety
Laboratory Notebook
Check-in / Check-out
Microscale Techniques


Expt 1. Isolation of Natural Products 2 periods
Expt 2. The Grignard Reaction. Preparation of Benzoic Acid 1 period
Expt 3.

Reactions of Carboxylic Acids & Their Derivatives

1 period
Expt 4.

The Aldol Condensation

1 period
Expt 5. Proteins and Carbohydrates. Isolation of Casein and Lactose from Milk 2 periods
Expt 6. Synthetic Polymers 1 period

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - University of Utah open listings

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